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Cluny Convent High School, Jalahalli, celebrated International Yoga Day on 21st June 2019 to raise awareness of the many

benefits of practicing yoga. The students from Middle School and the High School performed various asanas under the guidance of their yoga teacher Mrs. Annapurna.

Principal Message

“People with expert abilities are generally made, not born and often their abilities arise out of a great deal of repetitive practice and imitation and copying of other peoples’ styles and ideas,”- Sr. Janet

Dear Parents and Students,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our School Website. Cluny Convent High School, Jalahalli, believes that every child is unique and has innate potentials, constantly striving by providing children opportunities to develop their abilities and use their artistic gifts to edify and inspire others strictly adhering to the deeply rooted moral values. As Principal I am hugely impressed by the commitment of the school and the staff to the provision of an excellent all round education for our students in our state of the art facilities. We strongly promote academic achievements among our students along with the cultural, sporting and other success of our students and staff are proudly celebrated together. We are dedicated to get students ready for the future challenges with an unbending will and unflinching courage through a dynamic and success oriented education programme which empower students to gain an indigenous as well as global perspective on various aspects. The students have a plethora activities to explore. With a long and rewarding history of achievement in education as well as extensive extra curricular activities, our school community with a visionary management along with inspiring leadership, distinguish faculty striving to do their best, motivated students not just meeting but exceeding expectations, understanding parents offering unstinted support, we are all set to move forward together with confidence, pride and enthusiasm.



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